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New Schedule and Deadline of 20th CFSMA Exhibition

2018-08-07    from:

New Schedule  and Deadline of 20th CFSMA Exhibition


Exhibition time  

Booth construction  time    

Registration time  

Registration  address

Deadline of hotel  reservation   

March the 30th  --April the 1st   (three days  )

March the 28th--  March the 29th   (two days )

March the 29th (all  day )

Meifeng  hotel(address:62 North Xi'erhuan Road (Xi'erhuan Bei Lu) West Lake Park Area  Fuzhou 350001 China

Mach the  3rd

Deadline for  speaker’s photo and profile submitting 

Deadline of   PPT and word version of lecture submitting  

Deadline of   company profile on exhibition book submitting  

Deadline of the  sponsoring   

March the 5th  

March the  10th

February the 28th  

February the 28th