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Sponsorship Scheme----19th CFSMA Exhibition

2018-08-06    from:

19th  CFSMA International Friction & Sealing Material

Exhibition  and Colloquium----Sponsorship  Scheme

Sponsorship  Scheme


Sponsored  Amount

Benefits  and Rewards

Diamond  Sponsor

RMB  60000

1.        Company  Name will be posted on the backdrops in the Opening Ceremony; company representative will be invited  to as an honor guest to participate in the ribbon-cutting  ceremony;

2.   Company  Name will be posted on the center screen in friction and sealing technical  seminar locations;

3.   Company  Name will be posted on the backdrops at the center stage of the conference  banquet, and company representative will be invited as honor guest to sit in  main table at the conference banquet night;

4.   Company  Name will be printed on document bags and badges that given to all conference  participants;

5.   Special  Thanks will be posted in the edition of CFSMA’s Exhibitor Book in 2017; Special  Thanks will appear in the 3rd CFSMA Quarterly Journal in 2017; Special Thanks  will appear on the conference reception;

6.   Special  Thanks will be posted online in the CFSMA website one year;   

Gold  Sponsor

RMB  30000

1.     Company  representative will be invited as honor guest to opening ceremony;  

2.      Company  Name will be posted on the center screen in friction and sealing technical  seminar locations;

3.      Company  Name will be posted on the backdrops at the center stage of the conference  banquet, and company representative will be invited as honor guest to sit in  second main table at the conference banquet night;

4.   Company  Name will be printed on document bags and badges that given to all conference  participants;

5.   Special  Thanks will be posted in the edition of CFSMA’s Exhibitor Book in 2017; Special  Thanks will appear in the 3rd CFSMA Quarterly Journal in 2017; Special Thanks  will appear on the conference reception;

6.     Special  Thanks will be posted online in the CFSMA website one year;   

Silver  Sponsor

RMB  10000

1.        Company  Name will be posted on the center screen in friction and sealing technical  seminar locations;

2.      Company  representative will be invited as honor guest to sit in second main table at the  conference banquet night;

3.   Company  Name will be printed on document bags and badges that given to all conference  participants;

4.   Special  Thanks will be posted in the edition of CFSMA’s Exhibitor Book in 2017; Special  Thanks will appear in the 3rd CFSMA Quarterly Journal in 2017; Special Thanks  will appear on the conference reception;

5.   Special  Thanks will be posted online in the CFSMA website for one year.