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Special Booths Scenes of 15th Conference

2018-08-06    from:

Special Booths Scenes in the 15th International Friction & Sealing  Conference


The  15th CFSMA International Friction & Sealing Material Technology Exchange and  Product Exhibition solemnly opened in Changchun International Convention Centre  in May 24th, 2013.Itapproved by the State Ministry of Science and Technology and  Organized by the China Friction & Sealing Material  Association.

There  may be some mistakes in our work, if you have better photos, we will replace on  your photos, and said sincerely thanks to you.

There  show some Special  Booths  Scenes


Special Booths  Scenes: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c7eaa7d0101d1dd.html