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Home Exhibition Review

Details about 20th CFSMA Exhibition

2018-08-03    from:

20th  CFSMA International Friction & Sealing Material Exhibition and  Colloquium

March 30-April  1st, 2018  Fuzhou  Strait  International Conference &Exhibition  Center  Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China.





Exhibit  Detail

cfsma9@126.com)  no later than Feb.28th,  2018,  it is the deadline to prepare publish Exhibitor Book.



n  Please complete  payment within one week after booking.

n  No  meals will be served before March.  29th.

n  All  people are required to wear the exhibitor badge all the time at technical  sessions. No one will be admitted to enter in without exhibitor  badge.

n  Exhibitor  badge can be obtained at the registration day    March.  29th, 2018.


If  you have any problems in building the booth or delivering goods   please contact :

West  Lake Park Area, Fuzhou,  350001, China


Jingcheng Hotel

Wuyi  Square, Fuzhou,  350011, China

Technical  Seminar

Call  for Papers

CFSMA  is looking for experience and expertise in the latest scientific and  technological innovations in friction and sealing materials, components, systems  and testing, if you want to show advancements and innovations opinions that meet  the expectations of industry and the end user customers.


Direction  under Consideration

*  Development  situation reports about friction and sealing in domestic and  overseas;

*  Auto  industry development reports in domestic and overseas;


n  All  people are required to wear the exhibitor badge all the time at technical  sessions. No one will be admitted to enter in without exhibitor badge.  

Exhibitor  badge can be obtained when registration on March.  29th, 2018.




(Registration  Fees)

By  February 10th, 2018

Afte  February 10th, 2018




§   When  you complete registration, you will get one bag includes: a representative  badge, one meal ticket, one banquet ticket, one exhibitor  book.

§   The  bag will be provide when registration on March.  29th, 2018

Sponsorship  Scheme



Sponsored Amount

Benefits and Rewards

Diamond Sponsor

RMB 60000

1.       Company Name will be posted on the backdrops in the Opening  Ceremony;Minjiang  Empark Grand Hotel Conference & Exhibition  Center 

1  double bed

Total USD 91,  with two breakfasts

2  single beds

Total USD 91,  with two breakfasts

The  price may change as time passed,pelease confirm the price with   hotel when you reserve  room.


Minjiang  Empark Grand Hotel Conference & Exhibition

Add:Fuzhou South Railway Station, Fuzhou, China

Tel:     0591-88889888


Ø  Fuzhou Changle International Airport to  Minjiang  Empark Grand Hotel Conference & Exhibition Center

Take  Airport Express Teng shan Days line (Cangshan Green Island Hotel direction) to  Cangshan Green Island Hotel Station then walk about 64meters to Zhongfusi  Station take bus NO.501 to Minjiang Empark Grand Hotel Conference &  Exhibition Center .


Fuzhou  Strait International Conference &Exhibition  Center,

Add: Town  south gate 198 riverside avenue ,cangshan district ,Fuzhou city,Fujian Province  ,China.

Ø  Fuzhou Changle International Airport  to Fuzhou  Strait  International Conference &Exhibition  Center

 The same way as to Minjiang Empark Grand  Hotel Conference & Exhibition .As the distance between Fuzhou Strait  International Conference &Exhibition Center and Minjiang Empark Grand Hotel  Conference & Exhibition is about 900 meters .

Deadlines  & Pricing



Booth  Types

By  February 10th, 2018

Afte  February 10th, 2018

Custom-built  Booth

$200  /  (minimum  36m2 or Larger)

$250  /  (minimum  36m2 or Larger)

Standard  Booth

$2000  /  3m×3m

$2500  /3m×3m

Corner  Position Surcharges:

add 1800  CNY for a standard booth fees (surcharges will be exempted for booking 2 booths  nearby corner)

Cancellation and  Refund


1.   Refunds 70% cost of exhibit space, before  Feb.15th, 2018.

2.   Refunds 60% cost of exhibit space, before Feb.27th,  2018.

3.   Refunds 50% cost of exhibit space, before March.9th,  2018.

4.  No  Refunds will be issued after March.22th,  2018.  




(Registration  Fees)

By  February 10th, 2018

Afte  February 10th, 2018




§   One  standard booth allows two perpons  register free

§   When  you complete registration, you will get one bag includes: a representative  badge, one meal ticket, one banquet ticket, one exhibitor book, and one  souvenir.

§   The  bag will be provided when registration on March  29th.



Bank Account:  China Friction  & Sealing Material Association

Address:  No.11 Jia,  Sanlihe Road Haidian District, Beijing, China (100037)

Deposit  Bank: Industrial and  Commercial Bank of China [ICBC], Beijing Baiwanzhuang Branch  

Account  No:  0200001409014412822


CNAPS  Code:102100000144


§   Please  complete payment within 15 days when you submit application form.  

§   Please  screen your bank slip and send to us when you complete payment if possible.