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2014 CFSMA Advertising Booking

2018-08-03    from:



Membership  Price

Non-Membership  Price

Per  Month

full  Year

Per  Month

full  Year



1600  CNY/M

16000  CNY/Y

2000  CNY/M

20000  CNY/Y

Diamond  Place

1100  CNY/M

11000  CNY/Y

1500  CNY/M

15000  CNY/Y

Platinum  Place

900  CNY/M

9000  CNY/Y

1200  CNY/M

12000  CNY/Y

Gold  Place

600  CNY/M

6000  CNY/Y

800  CNY/M

8000  CNY/Y

Silver  Place

400  CNY/M

4000  CNY/Y

600  CNY/M

6000  CNY/Y






240×80  pixel

Diamond  Place

185×70  pixel

Platinum  Place

155×70  pixel

Gold  Place

155×70  pixel

Silver  Place

155×70  pixel



      1.       Texts and  pictures will be provided by enterprises, (CFSMA production costs is 300  CNY)

      2.       Please Bank  Remittance within one month after booking.

      3.       The  availability of the advertising space will be based on a “first come first  serve” basis.

      4.       Enterprise  publicity materials should follow the "China Advertisement Law" relevant  provision, Enterprise should not contain any false propaganda in the publicity  materials and constitute infringement of others. The enterprise should bear all  legal responsibilities arising from any disputes caused by the enterprises  themselves.


              For more information, please visit our website (www.cfsma.org.cn) or contact:  Mr. Yao Wang

              China Friction and Sealing Materials Association (CFSMA)

              No.11 Jia, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100037  

              Tel: 0086-10-88083899, 88084682;

              Fax: 0086-10-88084733;  

              Mobile phone: 13501192835;  

              Email: cfsma1@126.com, w434y@163.com;  

              Website: http://www.cfsma.org.cn


Advertising  Booking Sheet

Company Name:
Contact person:
JournalCover□ Back Cover□ Inside Front Cover□ Title  Page□  Inside Back Cover□          Back Title Page□ Back Cover Gatefold□        Color Inside Page□   black and white Inside Page□Booking1st□ 2nd□ 3rd□ 4th□
WebsiteHead □         Diamond Place□    Platinum  Place□ Gold Place□     Silver  Place□Booking1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12  
Full Year□
Special  ProceedingsCover□       Back Cover□      Inside Front  Cover□       Title Page□  Inside Back Cover□      Back Title Page□         Color Inside Page□             Black and White Inside  Page□
Company’s booking  proposal            Leader’s signature or company  seal:               Date:
CFSMA’s  confirmation